PPI has proven expertise in a broad range of human services and understands the interconnections across policy areas from both a service implementation and participant experience perspective. We work across the continuum of human services to support individual, family, and community success.
Workforce Development
PPI partners with diverse clients to improve the workforce development system's ability to develop pipelines for career oriented jobs that meet regional employment demand and provide family sustaining wages.
Family Assistance
PPI has worked extensively with programs providing support for families with low-income, including SNAP, TANF, housing assistance, and Medicaid, to understand program impact and improve service delivery to optimize family success.
Early Care and Education
PPI understands the long-term impacts of high quality early care and education, and works with funders and providers to improve ECE and K-12 systems and increase access to high quality care and education for underserved families.
Human Services Planning
PPI collaborates with partners to develop stakeholder-driven, consensus-built funding and service models that further human service objectives and optimize individual, family, and community outcomes.
Disability Policy
PPI works with clients to identify the most effective program strategies to support access, inclusion, and self-determination for people with disabilities and their caregivers.